
85 months ago

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TUESDAY with Erik Buell #SyncRIDE

The SyncRIDE is a moto-doc film series featuring a week of riding with unique motorcycle riders as they take us on their ultimate ride.

Erik Buell rides on the road to relax. He builds motorcycles so that everyone can enjoy a better ride. Professionally and personally, Erik Buell does everything for the love of being on a bike. In TUESDAY Buell takes us out in his native Wisconsin on his own 1190SX Superbike to find the focus that only comes from the road.

Erik Buell ride Wisconsin with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Erik Buell ride Wisconsin with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Legend Erik Buell gets a street sign. Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Legend Erik Buell gets a street sign. Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Erik Buell is always ready to ride, with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Erik Buell is always ready to ride, with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Film Credits

The Rider: Erik Buell

Director: Eric Ristau

Camera: Eric Ristau

Music: Nicholas Sjostrom

SyncRIDE Motion Graphics: Rubber Pixel
Powered by EatSleepRIDE

Erik Buell travelling at natural speeds with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE

Erik Buell travelling at natural speeds with Eric Ristau for EatSleepRIDE


On May 27, 2017, the last Saturday of Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month, EatSleepRIDE invites motorcyclists around the world to attempt the largest collective synchronized ride in history to demonstrate for motorcycle safety. It’s called SyncRIDE.

Kickstands up everywhere at 10AM EDT. Rain or shine, on your own or with friends. It doesn't matter what you ride.

Create your own SyncRIDE. Use the ESR app to map and share your route.

Join the SyncRIDE, Saturday May 27th, 2017.

Get the EatSleepRIDE Motorcycle GPS app to be officially counted-in on the ride.

Stay focused and ride safe. #syncride #watchformotorcycles #CRASHLIGHT

The Route

Open up TUESDAY's route in the EatSleepRIDE app and clear your head alongside Erik Buell.

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84 months ago

It's truly a shame that so few people truly understand the real world benefits of Buell motorcycles. I have truly loved my 2008 Buell 1125R for the last 65,000 miles and hope to keep it on the road for another 65,000!


85 months ago

Really cool listening to Erik talking about riding his own bikes and getting a sense of what what he loves about it.